Ava is investigating the impacts of urbanization on pollinators and the critical ecosystem services they provide. She is part of the 2024 cohort for Food Transitions 2050, collaborating with the University of Canterbury and Plant and Food Research to enhance the sustainability of our food systems. Her project focuses on three main areas: (1) assessing the impact of urbanization on wild bee populations across the Selwyn area, (2) examining the influence of local and landscape features on pollinator communities in urban community gardens and farms across Ōtautahi, and (3) studying the presence of nocturnal pollinator communities in the city and their contribution to pollination services. Ava's research aims to contribute to the conservation of native pollinator communities and the improvement of urban pollination services.
Ava Johnson has joined the lab as a Food Transitions Joint Postgraduate School PhD Scholar. She is working with Hazel Chapman (UC), Brad Howlett (Plant and Food Research) & Sara Kross.