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Hollinshead, J., J.V. Briski, and S.M. Kross. 2024. Orchard management factors affecting rates of bud damage to kiwifruit orchards. Crop Protection.

Kross, S. M., Hardage, S., Kelsey, T. R., Chapman, R., Martinez, A., & Craig, A. (2024). Testing the efficacy and durability of modifying fence posts to provide raptor perches. Rangelands, 46(2), 48–54.

Chen, K., Kross, S. M., Parkins, K., Seewagen, C., Farnsworth, A., & Van Doren, B. M. (2024). Heavy migration traffic and bad weather are a dangerous combination: Bird collisions in New York City. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61(4), 784–796.

Kross, S. M., & Nelson, X. J. (2011). A portable low-cost remote videography system for monitoring wildlife. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2(2), 191–196.

Kross, S. M., Tylianakis, J. M., & Nelson, X. J. (2012). Effects of Introducing Threatened Falcons into Vineyards on Abundance of Passeriformes and Bird Damage to Grapes. Conservation Biology, 26(1), 142–149.

Kross, S. M., Tylianakis, J. M., & Nelson, X. J. (2012). Translocation of Threatened New Zealand Falcons to Vineyards Increases Nest Attendance, Brooding and Feeding Rates. Plos One, 7(6).

Kross, S. M., Tylianakis, J. M., & Nelson, X. J. (2013). Diet composition and prey choice of New Zealand falcons nesting in anthropogenic and natural habitats. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 37(1), 51–59.

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Kross, S. M., & Nelson, X. J. (2013). Factors influencing the behavioural development of juvenile New Zealand Falcons (Falco novaeseelandiae). Emu, 113(1), 84–87.

Kross, S. M., McDonald, P. G., & Nelson, X. J. (2013). New Zealand Falcon nests suffer lower predation in agricultural habitat than in natural habitat. Bird Conservation International, 23(4), 512–519.

Kross, S. M. (2014). Bird electrocutions in New Zealand. Notornis, 61, 170–173.

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Rochman, C. M., Kross, S. M., Armstrong, J. B., Bogan, M. T., Darling, E. S., Green, S. J., Smyth, A. R., & Veríssimo, D. (2015). Scientific Evidence Supports a Ban on Microbeads. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(18), 10759–10761.

Green, S. J., Armstrong, J., Bogan, M., Darling, E., Kross, S., Rochman, C. M., Smyth, A., & Veríssimo, D. (2015). Conservation Needs Diverse Values, Approaches, and Practitioners: Conservation needs diverse values. Conservation Letters, 8(6), 385–387.

Kross, S., M., & Baldwin, R., A. (2016). Gopherbusters? A Review of the Candidacy of Barn Owls as the Ultimate Natural Pest Control Option. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference, 27.

Kross, S. M., Bourbour, R. P., & Martinico, B. L. (2016). Agricultural land use, barn owl diet, and vertebrate pest control implications. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 223, 167–174.

Kross, S. M., Kelsey, T. R., McColl, C. J., & Townsend, J. M. (2016). Field-scale habitat complexity enhances avian conservation and avian-mediated pest-control services in an intensive agricultural crop. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 225, 140–149.

Heath, S. K., Soykan, C. U., Velas, K. L., Kelsey, R., & Kross, S. M. (2017). A bustle in the hedgerow: Woody field margins boost on farm avian diversity and abundance in an intensive agricultural landscape. Biological Conservation, 212, 153–161.

Rivadeneira, P., Kross, S., Navarro-Gonzalez, N., & Jay-Russell, M. (2018). A Review of Bird Deterrents Used in Agriculture. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference, 28.

Kross, S., Tait, A., Raubenheimer, D., & Nelson, X. (2018). New Zealand falcon prey selection may not be driven by preference based on prey nutritional content. New Zealand Journal of Ecology.

Kross, S., Chapman, R., Craig, A., & Kelsey, T., Rodd. (2018). Raptor Use of Artificial Perches in California Rangelands in Fall. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference, 28.

Kross, S. M., Ingram, K. P., Long, R. F., & Niles, M. T. (2018). Farmer Perceptions and Behaviors Related to Wildlife and On-Farm Conservation Actions. Conservation Letters, 11(1), e12364.

Wong, E. L., & Kross, S. M. (2018). Effects of Perch Location on Wintering Raptor Use of Artificial Perches in a California Vineyard. Journal of Raptor Research, 52(2), 250–256. a9h.

Maas, B., Heath, S., Grass, I., Cassano, C., Classen, A., Faria, D., Gras, P., Williams-Guillén, K., Johnson, M., Karp, D. S., Linden, V., Martínez-Salinas, A., Schmack, J. M., & Kross, S. (2019). Experimental field exclosure of birds and bats in agricultural systems—Methodological insights, potential improvements, and cost-benefit trade-offs. Basic and Applied Ecology, 35, 1–12.

Shackelford, G. E., Kelsey, R., Sutherland, W. J., Kennedy, C. M., Wood, S. A., Gennet, S., Karp, D. S., Kremen, C., Seavy, N. E., Jedlicka, J. A., Gravuer, K., Kross, S. M., Bossio, D. A., Muñoz-Sáez, A., LaHue, D. G., Garbach, K., Ford, L. D., Felice, M., Reynolds, M. D., … Dicks, L. V. (2019). Evidence Synthesis as the Basis for Decision Analysis: A Method of Selecting the Best Agricultural Practices for Multiple Ecosystem Services. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 3, 83.

Haas, A. R., Kross, S. M., & Kneitel, J. M. (2020). Avian community composition, but not richness, differs between urban and exurban parks. Journal of Urban Ecology, 6(1), juaa028.

Kross, S. M., Martinico, B. L., Bourbour, R. P., Townsend, J. M., McColl, C., & Kelsey, T. R. (2020). Effects of Field and Landscape Scale Habitat on Insect and Bird Damage to Sunflowers. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 40.

Maas, B., Fabian, Y., Kross, S. M., & Richter, A. (2021). Divergent farmer and scientist perceptions of agricultural biodiversity, ecosystem services and decision-making. Biological Conservation, 256, 109065.

Byerly, H., Kross, S.M., Niles, M.T., & Fisher, B. (2021). Behavioral science and biodiversity management in agricultural landscapes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193

Mathisson, D. , S.M. Kross, M. Palmer, M. Diuk-Wasser. 2021. Effect of vegetation on the abundance of tick vectors in the United States: A review of the literature. Journal of Medical Entomology.

Plimpton, L.D., Henger, C., Munshi-South, J., Tufts, D., Diuk-Wasser*, M. & Kross*, S.M. (Accepted). Use of molecular scatology to assess the diet of feral cats living in managed urban colonies. Journal of Urban Ecology.

Sterling, E. J., E. Betley, S. Ahmed, S. Akabas, D. J. Clegg, S. Downs, B. Izumi, P. Koch, S. M. Kross, K. Spiller, L. Teron, and W. Valley. 2021. Centering Equity in Sustainable Food Systems Education. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5:737434.

Hagani, J. S., S. M. Kross, M. Clark, R. Wynn-Grant, and M. Blair. 2021. Mapping and modeling human-black bear interactions in the Catskills region of New York using resource selection probability functions. PLOS ONE 16:e0257716.

Levin, M. O., J. B. Meek, B. Boom, S. M. Kross, and E. A. Eskew. 2022. Using publicly available data to conduct rapid assessments of extinction risk. Conservation Science and Practice.

Bourbour, R. P., B. L. Martinico, E. M. Phillips, J. N. Schlarbaum, M. G. Hawkins, J. M. Hull, and S. M. Kross. 2022. Banding records of nestling barn owls reveal optimal timing for nest box maintenance in California. The Journal of Wildlife Management.

Phillips, E.M., B. L. Martinico, R.P. Bourbour, R.A. Baldwin, S.M. Kross, and J.M. Hull. A proposed framework to investigate the interactions between barn owls and anticoagulant rodenticides in an integrated pest management program. Proceedings of the 30th Vertebrate Pest Conference.

Schlarbaum, J. N., J. M. Hull, & S. M. Kross (2022). Management of European Starlings in an American Kestrel Nest Box Program. Journal of Raptor Research, 57(2).

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